Pressure Transmitters and Sensors
Differential Pressure Transmitter         677 Differential Pressure Transmitter        603A
Series 677 Differential Pressure  The Series 603A Differential Pressure 
Transmitters are designed to measure  Transmitters combine ultra low 
pressures as low as 0.1" w.c. with  ranges, low cost, high accuracy and 
±0.4% accuracy. Use Series 677 for  rugged construction - ideal for a wide 
building energy management systems,  range of HVAC and industrial 
environmental pollution control, oven  applications. These transmitters 
pressurization, lab and fume hood  provide a standard 4-20 mA analog 
control, HVAC and VAV applications.  output signal in ranges as low as 0.2" 
The transmitter features 10 psid over.. w.c.
Differential Pressure Transmitter          616 Differential Pressure Transmitter      616W
Ranges from 0-1"w.c. to 0to100 psid, Ranges from 0-1" w.c. to 0-100 psid 
Series 616 Transmitters feature  Positive, negative and differential 
exceptional ±0.25% accuracy in  pressures can be measured within a 
several factory calibrated ranges.  full span accuracy of ±0.25 with the 
Choose the one just right for your  Dwyer Series 616W Differential 
application. Span and Zero controls  Pressure Transmitter. Units are 
included for fine tuning and minor  enclosed in a polycarbonate case, 
re-calibration in the field. rated NEMA 4X (IP66) and operate by 
sensing the pressure of air and 
compatible gases .