Pressure Transmitters and Sensors
Differential Pressure Transmitter       668 Differential Pressure Transmitter      674
Ranges from 0 to 0.25" w.c.,  ±1% FS Accuracy, Up to Six Field 
Overpressure Protection to 10 psig. Selectable Ranges, 10 psid 
Low cost Series 668 Differential  Overpressure. Measure and Control 
Pressure Transmitter is capable of  building/room pressure, air flow, duct 
measuring low pressures with a ±1%  pressure or filter drop with the Series 
accuracy - ideally suited for proper  674 Differential Pressure Transmitter. 
building pressurization and air flow  These versatile transmitters provide 
control. Variable capacitance sensor  up to six field selectable direct or 
design provides excellent sensitivity. compound pressure ranges. 
Differential Pressure Transmitter      604A Duct Pressure Transmitter          676
The Series 604A Differential Pressure  Lower installation costs with the 
Transmitter offers very low ranges  Series 676 Duct Pressure Transmitter. 
down to 0-0.1" w.c. (25 Pa) yet  The Series 676 Transmitter 
withstands continuous pressure to  incorporates a pressure sensor and 
30 psig (2 bar). The tough filled Nylon  a static pressure tip into a single unit, 
housing features simple surface  eliminating the need for costly control 
mounting arrangement and barbed  panels and reducing installation time. 
connections. The units are compact  Each transmitter has three (3) field 
and lightweight yet provide overall . selectable pressure ranges.