Temperature Switches (Thermostats)
Remote Reading Thermometer with Switch RRT Digital Temperature Switch       TS
3-1/4" Dial, Liquid Actuated Bulb and  3-Digit Display,Heating/Cooling Control, 
Capillary Type. Remotely monitor and  8 or 16 Amp Relay. TS designed to 
control temperature with this  regulate many heating and cooling 
economical, reliable liquid actuated  applications. Easy programming via 
thermometer with integral 5 amp rated  the tactile front keypad enables quick 
snap switch. The switch setpoint is  setup of the 12 parameters for simple, 
fully adjustable across the entire  reliable operation. The user can define 
temperature range. Dual scale reads  set point, heating/cooling regulation, 
in both °F and °C. hysteresis, cycle time, ... 
Digital Temperature Switch       DTS Thermocouple Temperature Switch   TCS
Low Cost, 8 Amp SPDT or 16 Amp  Heating and Cooling Control, 15 Amp 
SPST Relay. DTS is a low cost unit  Rating, Two Alarms.  TCS offers a 
that performs the functions of more  wide temperature range, two 
expensive controllers. The switch is  selectable alarm set, and an internal 
designed for heating or cooling  buzzer indicating alarm condition or 
control. Twelve different parameters  error. The user can define set point, 
can be programmed via the push  heating/cooling regulation, cycle time, 
button front panel. Units accept PTC  alarm configuration, load status, and 
probe input (sold separately). ambient probe adjustment.